Have you ever considered most of the education available about the female body is via old white men? From raging PMS, menstrual pain, pelvic trauma, a numb or tight pelvic floor, disconnection from the body’s truth, birth trauma, oppression, painful sex, fertility challenges, leaking urine to misogyny everywhere. We turn to mixed messages from the medical world. This is all accepted as a “normal” part of life as a woman.

Imagine stepping into a container where your wholeness is #1. Your questions about your body are heard and answered. The rhythm of your cycle demystified. Your emotions are invited. Your trauma history acknowledged but not your definition. Lineage patterns illuminated. Your sexuality acknowledged as an integral part of your being but not one dimensional or pathologized.

This cohort experience is for those ready to look inside on the journey to becoming a centered & grounded woman. The group functions entirely remotely on zoom but is still a "warm hug". Alicia has taught and facilitated on zoom for years. You will be supported and held. If you are local in CO or want to travel, being part of the group also gives you the ability to add 1:1 time in-person or on Zoom with Alicia if you are interested in that.

Get on the Waitlist

"Working with Alicia is inspiring and enlightening. Trusting this was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Alicia is a scholar on the intricate mapping of the womb. The healing potential with her work is limitless. She guides with sensitivity, warmth, and wisdom. We should all be so fortunate to know this intimate miraculous space we carry within us with such a gifted guide as Alicia. I recommend this to anyone who is ready for true transformation"

- Eileen Henry

7 topics. 6 months.


Explore, in depth, 7 topics over the course of 6 months, with an added BONUS module.

Learn about the reality of your body from a lively digestible lens. Gain knowledge about bony structure & the pelvic floor, organ systems, erectile & internal soft tissues (everyone's favorite!), cardiovascular & immune systems, nervous system & brain, and how they all work together and impact each other. This sets a foundation and gives you ground for your journey. The next modules lead to expansion.

What is your relationship to your cycle? Learn about the cyclical phases of your body's rhythm, gifts & shadow of each phase, connections to mental and emotional health, polarity & unwinding stigma, menstruation magic and holistic self-care tools. Discover how to navigate the questions / symptoms / mysteries that you are ready to address. It's time to understand what your body and rhythm has to do with what you feel & think.

This journey never fails to bring powerful emotions to the surface. This content and container is your mirror. Emotional and mental health is directly correlated to pelvic health on many levels. Here you will receive permission for your full range of emotions, understand the "themes" of pelvic healing, address body armor in your tissues, and begin to work with cycles of contraction and expansion. These cycles occur in every level of physiology.

Pelvic trauma involves wide range of experiences. Emotional expression, healing and trauma recovery always run parallel to one another. Our tissues carry and transmit emotional / hormonal / nerve signals. We will address the scope of pelvic trauma, further enter the de-armoring process, unpack language and cognitive structure, and support the nervous system to integrate the raw and wild experiences of life.

Inter-generational patterns, DNA & genetics, family, culture, and lineage live in our cells. Once we address our personal identity and life, often more "expansive" experiences arise such as insight and connection with ancestors, spiritual questions and the stories of the soul. You will be held as you explore your lineage, ovarian imprint, creativity, shadow, transcendence, and how it all relates to your body and your place in this cosmic web. The earlier content gives you the gateway to becoming grounded in your body. Finding your root and stability in yourself is key to opening psychic gifts in a sustainable manner. Learn how your root (literally and metaphorically) gives you access to the unseen realms.

Have you heard the ever-growing popular statement that your body is a gateway to divinity? Is this a concept or do you know this viscerally in your body? Have you felt lost in the middle of the modern discussion of sexuality? Enter a container where your sexuality is welcome as a part of you, an important part but not the only part. All experiences and questions are welcome that some hesitate to address. What aspects of your shadow are interrupting your body's desires? What does pain mean to you? What about your partners' shadow scares you? We will discover the range of sensation and physiological transmission of signals that is hardly ever taught through mainstream channels. Knowledge is power.

The essence of pro-creation, physiological creativity, DNA fusion, fertility, legacy, pregnancy, birthing, family, continuation / disruption / colonization of lineage and cultural patterns, epigenetics (how trauma impacts DNA), sexuality, and intimacy are some of the most charged themes of humanity. These themes surround some of the deepest most primal human longings and are also what get abused during deep times of strife and collective power shifts. The first step is knowledge and accepting responsibility for yourself. We will cover foundations of fertility tracking, partners' roles, bodily temperature, charting, cervical position, fluid changes, stress & the energy body in fertility. This is a "bonus" and highly relevant to the big picture.

The Container

We will explore psycho-education, process-work, hands-on practices, and more to deepen into the truth and wisdom of our bodies. Your voice as a woman, partner, parent, professional, and any other hat you wear are needed in this quickly changing world today.

This group is appropriate for anyone open and interested in exploring their pelvic journey. Whether you’re new to learning about your body & process work or a seasoned explorer seeking a container, you're invited. The only requirement is participation in the process. You will be asked to participate and engage. That said, this is not a militant classroom experience. You will be supported. Every phase of the journey will reveal something to you.

Resistance is natural in this type of group. Wounds between women are old and deep. If you feel insecure, that there’s no time for your voice, cringe at sharing in a group, don’t know how to support others, worry that you won't be met / seen / heard / have a hard time receiving support ... this is common. Part of this experience is exploring your inner and outer relationship to womanhood. This environment allows for deprogramming conditioning that turns women against one another. By the end, the benefits will be worth the discomfort.

The upcoming cohort

Begins September 2021


The structure is a "Hybrid Model" (guided online coursework on your own time and live / real-time support with Alicia and the group).

This Journey Includes..

Weekly Educational Videos / Journaling / PDF Exercises / Audio Exercises:

All of the education, teaching, process, exercises you need to engage in this journey in a pre-recorded / engage at your convenience pace. This hybrid approach yields the best results. This gives you the opportunity to take responsibility for yourself while receiving support from a community and an expert. This breaks down into an average of 1-2 hours per month of educational time plus 1-2 hours per month of working together in the community and with Alicia (about 3-4 hours per month total). All content is designed in short / digestible teachings and exercises. Then we come together in live calls for the support outlined below.

This Journey Includes..

Weekly Check-In Calls Via Zoom for Q&A and emotional process work: 

As you uncover one layer at a time, you will have many questions. This is a process of building interoception (inner world awareness). As you explore the content, we will come together to support the kinesthetic process. This will create a container for your commitment to the journey. Engaging this process with feedback, answers to your questions, and gentle accountability support is necessary. You'll also have the ability to engage in treatment planning / addressing symptoms with a long-term container as pelvic health symptoms can take time to resolve in some cases. Clients who engage in self-work and work with a professional often have the best results.

Coming together in a community to share, be witnessed, and heard is an art. Without the same type of cross-talk we usually encounter in social situations, the permission and quality of the group are unique. You will be given the opportunity to sense yourself, see others, be witnessed, and encounter a collective healing field. Feeling supported, connection, humor, insight, and validation from others are priceless when it comes to a process as intimate as this one. You will also receive support and guidance from Alicia as needed in this group style.

Extra Resources from Alicia are priceless. As time moves on, Alicia gathers countless hours of ongoing research, hands-on work with clients, new understandings and findings of this field. This is a wealth of information and resources that keeps building in real-time. Get access to Alicia directly.


1:1 Sessions with Alicia will be available as an add-on to the group. This will give you a chance to do treatment planning, process work, and get private time with Alicia that is only available to cohort members and is exclusive. All "tissue work" is done on your own or with Alicia directly, you will not be asked to be exposed in this group.


Others engaging in the same process as you and an opportunity to make deep lasting connections. There will be a communication channel for continued discussion and connecting.

The Polarity of Health

Commonly, when considering this step, this might happen..

There’s too much, this will be too hard, I don’t deserve this, that's not for me, my experience will never change. I have to do this alone.

(pathology tendency)


I already do so much, I don't have time, I'm managing fine, I'll get to it later.

(minimizing tendency)

Spirit will take care of me, all I need to do is trust and take this combination of supplements I made myself and everything will get better.

(bypass tendency)

We might be searching for the “magic cure”, the miracle moment one time fix, thinking “I just need to find that ONE THING that will solve it all...”

Others might have done quite a bit already. Perhaps worked with sacred sexuality coaches, talk therapy, online courses, reading, or allopathic medicine. Feeling disappointed that something was missing, some might have given up or quit before getting their needs met.

The reality is we've all been in some version of the above and there's nothing wrong with it. All the tendencies above are self-protective strategies not to be shamed. Entering this program gives you permission to move out of patterns that you want to let go of. Coming into maturity and commitment to oneself is a real trip. Those who enter this container are ready for a solid and fruitful experience.

This is how things really work:

Sometimes there are small quick answers that bring incredible change and relief. This is part of that program for many! However, you should know that mostly this is a winding path. It takes time for the body to sustain deep lasting change. The magical one-time cure method is usually not appropriate for the intricate changing nature of the female body. This is a chance to step into a container full of truth-telling, a variety of resources, unwinding stories, and a big shift. Those who benefit from Alicia's work the most understand this is a true process and it is a full one. This program gives 6 months together for a reason. There is depth here and there is levity. Alicia brings authority and laughter too.

Pelvic Health & The Whole Body

Pelvic Health & The Whole Body

This work can inform how the rest of your life unfolds when it comes to your health. Pelvic health directly impacts emotional, mental, endocrine, neurological, immunological health.

Modern societies have a huge gap around female pelvic health. Women in westernized modern cultures have astronomically higher diagnoses of reproductive cancers, hysterectomies, childbirth complications, and reproductive/pelvic health challenges. Unfortunately, it is left to many women to discover their health for themselves. Female pelvic health is experiencing a revolution.

There is much you should know about Alicia and her approach / philosophies / style / training. Click here to read all about Alicia and her highly unique work

Any relationship deepens when you show up fully from the beginning and stay the course. The door is open, will you step in? Feeling unsure? Read the clients words page and watch the video below. Please reach out with any other questions.

Your Inner Power Awaits

Get on the Waitlist today for this powerful group container. You will connect, share, and open more deeply with yourself and others through this journey. This group is capped so you receive the full attention you need. Alicia knows this terrain.

Get on the Waitlist