2253 North Downing St Denver CO 80205 * Virtual Appointments * (301) 801-4585


Are you ready to deepen your relationship with yourself, your center, and your body? I know this terrain. You're in the right place. I'd love to hear from you. If you are ready for support, reach out today.

Get in Touch With Me

I've Got a Lot to Share With You

I'm a pelvic health specialist, somatic counselor, and teacher. In this world today, we need holistic opportunities for integration and wholeness. We need to find our most natural inherent rhythm. This journey requires support.

Since 2008, I’ve been steeped in intensive training, my own self-inquiry work, endless study, client care, and have seen the combination of specialized tools deliver transformation unique to each person and their path. My time is shared between my counseling work and pelvic health work. I offer pelvic health programs as well as somatic counseling and Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy. Please inquire to discuss working together.

Learn more about the Building Blocks of my work

My Programs

  • Work With Me 1:1
  • Unlock Your Inner Power: Core Program
  • Pelvic Health Training for Professionals

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My Programs

My Service Style

I offer in-person and virtual services. Depending on the container you are seeking, my work can include extended time together, online learning and education, treatment planning, assessment & progress support, trauma informed care, and more. Read more about the foundational building blocks of my work here.


Working with me individually can be in a counseling relationship, or in my pelvic health program work. These are different relationships, though I bring all of my training to every therapeutic relationship and always rest on education and trust building as the foundation of our time together. I keep my counseling and pelvic health practices separate and am happy to discuss which is the best fit for you. Please get in touch to discuss the differences. The usage of therapeutic touch is always discussed at length and is entirely consensual and trauma-informed. I incorporate education, psychological / emotional permission and process work in every container I offer. I am deeply informed by science / anatomy / the realities of the body while leaving room for the unknown. My main focus, no matter what type of container you step into, is working with the central nervous system and how the meeting points between the psyche, neurology, immune and endocrine / hormonal systems impact your health.


My work requires commitment to a container. This offers the most powerful results for clients. For counseling and pelvic health work, I require a certain level of consistency and presence in treatment. If you need simple advice, we can engage in consultation and treatment planning. I believe this process does not benefit from rushing / high pressure work. I always recommend commitment to a consistent therapeutic relationship for best outcomes. I maintain a very full practice and ensure that every client receives a high caliber of quality care with dedication and professionalism. I also offer retreats and intensive style work and always require relationship building and consultation first, before intensive work is offered.

Too Far Away?


There are a few options to make this work accessible for those who want to travel for it. Unfortunately, many cannot find a practitioner in their area with this combination of modalities. Please get in touch with me and let's discuss your options.

Get in Touch With Me

Too Far Away ?


There are a few options to make this work accessible for those who want to travel for it. Unfortunately, many cannot find a practitioner in their area with this combination of modalities. Please book a call and let's discuss your options.

Book a Call

Working with me:


Transformation can at times be be heavy and hard. Once that lifts (and it always does) this process is nourishing, loving, and there is plenty of space for irreverence and laughter about the human experience. This work truly does allow for divine comedy in all its gifts.

I hold a container open to emotional, psychological, and spiritual inquiry. Holding years of training and experience within “the system”, I enjoy providing a container grounded in extensive experience with a holistic intention. I support you to inquire into your relationship to expansion and contraction, within yourself and collectively. I do not subscribe to “tidy answers" and will never minimize or gloss over your experience with a simplification. We will also consider pathology. I like to land outside bypass / pathology extremes and hold curiosity for what lives outside this dichotomy.


Get in touch with me if you’re sure it’s time and you’re ready. Always trust your own inner knowing. Space is limited and I focus my work with a small group of highly committed individuals every year. Timing, circumstance, finances, your schedule, are all important. The more intention, planning, surrender and care you bring to it all, the more you will gain from the experience. If you are interested in opening the door and know you need to begin slowly, consider some of my classes and programs.

I hold a container open to emotional, psychological, and spiritual inquiry. Holding years of training and experience within “the system”, I enjoy providing a container grounded in extensive experience with a holistic intention. I support you to inquire into your relationship to expansion and contraction, within yourself and collectively. I do not subscribe to “tidy answers” and will never minimize or gloss over your experience with a simplification. We will also consider pathology. I like to land outside bypass / pathology extremes and hold curiosity for what lives outside this dichotomy.


Get in touch with me if you’re sure it’s time and you’re ready. Always trust your own inner knowing. Space is limited and I focus my work with a small group of highly committed individuals every year. Timing, circumstance, finances, your schedule, are all important. The more intention, planning, surrender and care you bring to it all, the more you will gain from the experience. If you are interested in opening the door and know you need to begin slowly, consider some of my classes and programs.

My Personal and

Professional Manifesto

My defining values are mutual respect, attunement, and agency. I believe all living beings (especially those with a central nervous system) have an incredible surge of life force inside them. The journey to discovering, allowing, accepting, having access to, harnessing, and deciding how to utilize this life force is a core human process.


I believe it is a privilege to have the resources and access to fully discover oneself. I also believe discovery of the full “self” in all its' facets is a lifelong journey. The guiding principles that have shaped my life and exploration of this include personal relationship to the force of life, integrity with that force, and capacity to truly witness oneself and another.


The revolution that I’m here to lead is all about the root.. The essence of pro-creation, physiological creativity, DNA fusion, fertility, legacy, pregnancy, birthing, family, continuation / disruption / colonization of lineage and cultural patterns, epigenetics (how inter-generational patterns impact DNA), sexuality, and intimacy are some of the most charged themes of humanity. These themes surround some of the deepest most primal human longings and are also what get abused during deep times of strife and collective power shifts. Opening the door to this work is one of the most powerful choices someone can make and I’m honored to support those on this path.

My Mission 

is to provide space for the body and soul to be liberated. To make choices from a clear and grounded center. I truly believe when a human body is rooted and in touch with their center, it shapes the world in profound ways.

Your Inner Power Awaits

Check out my core program (available on your own in do-it-yourself format or guided directly by me), book a treatment planning session, or get in touch with me if you need guidance finding what's best for you right now.

Unlock Your Inner Power

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